Ener-t’s in depth knowledge allow it to provide optimized solutions adapted to the specific conditions at every potential site worldwide.
Ener-t’s experts study and analyze all aspects of the local conditions and accordingly tailor-made the most economical thermal solar power plant configuration, with or without thermal storage, with or without hybridization with other energy sources.
As an experienced thermal solar company, Ener-t is committed to building the most efficient and economical projects possible from the start. Ener-t continues to develop its technologies and design in order to further improve operations and plant efficiencies, reduce capital investments and promote the use of clean, renewable energy power plants.
With rising fuel costs, climate change concerns and an ever increasing demand for electricity, renewable energy resources such as solar power are becoming an increasingly valuable part of the global energy mix. Ener-t International provides a variety of technologies to meet this demand and continue to improve the technology, cut project costs and increase efficiency to raise the net electricity being sold. dramatically has lead the way in delivering competitive, inexhaustible, environmentally benign electricity - using power from the sun’s rays.
We believe that renewable energy resources, especially solar, will be an integral part of the world energy mix throughout the 21st century, and we are committed to continue to implement solar energy as a grid level, reliable and trustable power generation solution.
The company’s staff is comprised of the core technology and engineering team that developed the original solar field technology at LUZ.
Ener-t is using its proven parabolic trough technology knowhow as the basis for the construction of bankable thermo- solar power plants.
Ener-t provides long-term competitive solar solutions through evolutionary development of the technology and aggressive cost reduction programs.